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Cascading values by name

Specifying a value for a cascading parameter is very simple. At any point in our Razor HTML mark-up we can create a CascadingValue element. Everything rendered within that element will have access to the value specified.

@page "/"

<h1>Toggle the options</h1>
<input @bind-value=FirstOptionValue type="checkbox" /> First option
<br />
<input @bind-value=SecondOptionValue type="checkbox" /> Second option
<br />

<CascadingValue Name="FirstOption" Value=@FirstOptionValue>
  <CascadingValue Name="SecondOption" Value=@SecondOptionValue>
    <FirstLevelComponent />

@code {
  bool FirstOptionValue;
  bool SecondOptionValue;

Consuming the value is just as simple.
Any component, no matter how deeply nested it is inside the `CascadingValue` element, can access the value with a 
property decorated with the `CascadingParameter` attribute.

  <li>FirstOption = @FirstOption</li>
  <li>SecondOption = @SecondOption</li>

@code {
  private bool FirstOption { get; set; }

  private bool SecondOption { get; set; }

Note that the name of our property that consumes the value is irrelevant. Blazor will not look for a property with the same name specified in the CascadingValue element; we are free to name our property anything we like, it's actually the Name on the CascadingParameterAttribute that identifies which cascading value should be injected.

It is good practice to set the visibility of properties that act as Cascading parameters to private. It's not really logical to allow them to set via code on the consumer because the value is effectively owned by the parent that sets the Cascading value.